In the summer of 2005, Shelley released her second CD titled, Fire On The Arrow, which was inspired by and is a tribute to the living spirit of the late Kay Gardner. Kay’s lifework was dedicated to the study of and the promotion of music as a healing medium. The intent of the Fire On The Arrow CD is to honor Kay’s vision of empowering women to use their voices to heal themselves and to change the world. Shelley believes that through remembering ancient sounds of motherlove, each woman’s voice can weave a journey of transformation.
Fire On The Arrow brought together over thirty-seven amazing women from various regions. Shelley flew to Maine to sing with Kay’s Singing in Sacred Circle group, Women With Wings, to record Gentle Spirits and Sacred Women. Ruth Barrett and Falcon River from Wisconsin came to Cincinnati to record Sacred Women, Tears, and Rise Up. The “ Fab Five,” women from various cities in Ohio, came together to record many songs on the CD such as Stones, Against All Odds, and Spiderwoman. Finally, the Columbus Singing In Sacred Circle recorded You’re Not Alone. All of these women joined together on the title song Fire On The Arrow. In addition to the acappella and choral pieces, some songs such as Goddess Dreams, Flying, Lullaby, and I Wish You Stars, include guitar, piano, and cello. The many women who came together to make this CD created harmonies in hope that the listener will find a quiet, peaceful place in a fast paced, chaotic world. They found their journey to be one that soothed their souls as they bathed in the healing light and love of magical sounds.
Shelley’s first CD, Moon Mama, has been successful since its release. Taking a panoramic yet “village view” approach in her politically charged songs, Shelley’s commentary on contemporary politics leaves her audiences with a heightened awareness as well as a good laugh! Energetic Old Maid Aunts and SongVoices characterize women as influential leaders who passionately call for personal empowerment and political change. White Buffalo Woman, a favorite among audiences, is a plea for change to a simpler way of life that wishes for peace among all people.
Shelley’s motivational fast-paced tunes are delicately balanced by her inspiring sweet, slow ballads. Her poignant prose is at its best in the title song of the CD, Moon Mama. Whimsical images, supported by Shelley’s unique rhythmic guitar picking style, create an ethereal space for spirits to find a quiet moment of peace, harmony and healing.
Personal empowerment and transformation are the common themes that Shelley’s strong and steady voice projects as she shares her stories through song. Shelley Graff is a true visionary who believes in remembering the past, focusing on the present, and dreaming about the future!